Raspberry Pi Pico Development board

24,499.00 exc. taxes

SKU: SSG-RPIPICO Category: Tags: , , , , , ,

This is a Raspberry Pi Pico Development Board with Raspberry Pi Pico Board. It is equipped with  RP2040 Microcontroller chip developed by Raspberry Pi Foundation itself. RP2040, has a dual-core Arm Cortex-M0+ processor, 264KB of internal RAM, and up to 16MB of off-chip Flash memory. The RP2040 is supported with both c / c ++ and micro-python, meaning that if you’re a beginner and want to learn any of these languages, the Raspberry Pico would be the best product-option to start with.

  1. RP2040 32 bit micro-controller
  2. Arm Cortex M0 Dual Core processor with flexible clock speed upto 133Mhz
  3. 264KB SRAM
  4. 2MB flash storage
  5. In-Built USB Programmer
  6. 26 multifunctional GPIO
  7. 2 SPI, 2 I2C, and 2 UART pins
  8. 3x 12 bit ADC
  9. 16 controllable PWM channels
  10. Ultra Low power sleep modes
  11. 3.3V supply voltage


  1. RPi Pico Development Board
  2. CD containing required software, manual  and sample programs (Assembly and C)
  3. Cables and connectors

Interfaces available:

  1. Relay
  2. Stepper Motor, DC motor, servo motor
  3. DHT11 Humidity and Temperature sensor
  4. Ultrasonic Sensor
  5. GSM
  6. Max232
  7. Lora
  8. Heart rate and Pulse oximeter sensor
  9. MPU-6050 3 axis accelerometer and gyro sensor
  10. Blinking LEDs
  11. OLED display
  12. LCD display
  13. RTC serial port
  14. Rotary encoder
  15. Rs485
  16. MQ135 air quality sensor
  17. PIR Sensor
  18. LAN Module
  19. NBIOT
  20. Buzzer
  21. Buttons

Required Tools:

Thonny Python




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