NodeMCU (Node Microcontroller unit) is an open source software and hardware development environment that is built around a very inexpensive system-on-chip(SOC) called ESP8266. NodeMCU is a IoT Module based on ESp8266 wifi module. NodeMCU uses Lua Scripting language and is an open-source Internet of things (IoT) platform. this module has CH340g USB to TTL IC.It is a excellent development board for debugging, developing and prototype code,. this board is user friendly and ideal for training and development.
- 32 bit micro-controller
- Integrated 10 GPIOs
- Inbuilt wifi 802.11 b/g/n
- 64 KB SRAM
- 4MB flash storage
- 5V supply voltage
- NodeMCU Development Board
- Required software, manualĀ and sample programs
- Cables and connectors
Interfaces available:
- Relay
- Stepper Motor, DC motor, servo motor
- DHT11 Humidity and Temperature sensor
- Ultrasonic Sensor
- Max232
- Lora
- Heart rate and Pulse oximeter sensor
- MPU-6050 3 axis accelerometer and gyro sensor
- LEDs
- OLED display
- LCD display
- Rotary encoder
- Rs485
- MQ135 air quality sensor
- PIR Sensor
- LAN Module
- Buzzer
- Buttons
Required Tools:
Arduino IDE
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