This board is assembled with an ESP-WROOM-32 Module and has the standard UNO size and connectors. This ESP32 WiFi Bluetooth UNO D1 R32 Development Board comes with 4MB of flash storage and a Micro USB port. The ESP-WROOM-32(ESP-32S) is a WiFi and Bluetooth module based on the ESP32 chip by ESPRESSIF. The ESP32 chip includes a dual-core processor, 448 KByte ROM, 520 KByte SRAM, 16 KByte SRAM in RTC, 802.11 b/g/n/e/l Wi-Fi, Bluetooth v4.2 BR/EDR & BLE, clocks & Times, various peripheral interfaces, and a security mechanism. Many other platforms, including Arduino, can be used to create software.
This development board contains the entire basic support circuitry for the ESP-WROOM-32, including the USB-UART bridge, reset- and boot-mode buttons, LDO regulator and a micro-USB connector. Every important GPIO is available to the developer. It is an excellent development board for debugging, developing, and prototyping code. This board is user-friendly and ideal for training and development.
- 32 bit micro-controller
- Dual Core
- 160MHz to 240MHz frequency
- Inbuilt Bluetooth and WiFi
- In-Built USB Programmer
- 4MB flash storage
- Bluetoth v4.2 BR/EDR and BLE
- 5V supply voltage
- ESP32 Development Board
- CD containing required software, manual and sample programs (Assembly and C)
- Cables and connectors
Interfaces available:
- Relay
- Stepper Motor, DC motor, servo motor
- DHT11 Humidity and Temperature sensor
- Ultrasonic Sensor
- Max232
- Lora
- Heart rate and Pulse oximeter sensor
- MPU-6050 3 axis accelerometer and gyro sensor
- Blinking LEDs
- OLED display
- LCD display
- RTC serial port
- Rotary encoder
- Rs485
- MQ135 air quality sensor
- PIR Sensor
- LAN Module
- Buzzer
- Buttons
Required Tools:
Arduino studio
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