Node-MCU IoT Development Board

18,300.00 exc. taxes

5 in stock

SKU: SSG-NODE Categories: , Tags: , , , , , ,

NodeMCU (Node Microcontroller unit) is an open source software and hardware development environment that is built around a very inexpensive system-on-chip(SOC) called ESP8266. NodeMCU is a IoT Module based on ESp8266 wifi module. NodeMCU uses Lua Scripting language and is an open-source Internet of things (IoT) platform. this module has CH340g USB to TTL IC.It is a excellent development board for debugging, developing and prototype code,. this board is user friendly and ideal for training and development.

  1. 32 bit micro-controller
  2. Integrated 10 GPIOs
  3. Inbuilt wifi 802.11 b/g/n
  4. 64 KB SRAM
  5. 4MB flash storage
  6. 5V supply voltage


  1. NodeMCU Development Board
  2. Required software, manualĀ  and sample programs
  3. Cables and connectors

Interfaces available:

  1. Relay
  2. Stepper Motor, DC motor, servo motor
  3. DHT11 Humidity and Temperature sensor
  4. Ultrasonic Sensor
  5. GSM
  6. Max232
  7. Lora
  8. Heart rate and Pulse oximeter sensor
  9. MPU-6050 3 axis accelerometer and gyro sensor
  10. LEDs
  11. OLED display
  12. LCD display
  13. Rotary encoder
  14. Rs485
  15. MQ135 air quality sensor
  16. PIR Sensor
  17. LAN Module
  18. NBIOT
  19. Buzzer
  20. Buttons

Required Tools:

Arduino IDE



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