AVR ATMega16/32A Development Board

17,999.00 exc. taxes

SKU: SSG-AVR Category: Tags: , , , , ,

This is an AVR ATMega16/32A Microcontroller Development Board. Atmega 16 has 16KB flash, 1KB RAM and 512B EEPROM, whereas Atmega 32 has 32KB Flash, 2KB RAM and 1KB  EEPROM. This board is intended for general-purpose use and includes a variety of hardware for testing microcontroller peripherals. It is an excellent development board for debugging,  developing, and prototyping code. This board is user-friendly and ideal for training and development.

  1. 8 bit micro-controller
  2. 32 GPIO
  3. JTAG interface for boundary scan
  4. 32 KB read write flash
  5. In-Built Programmer
  6. 1024 Bytes of EEPROM
  7. 2048 Bytes of SRAM
  8. 5V supply voltage


  1. AVR Atmega16/32A Development Board
  2. CD containing required software, manual  and sample programs (Assembly and C)
  3. Cables and connectors

Interfaces available:

  1. Relay
  2. Stepper Motor
  3. Multiplexed Keypad
  5. LM35 Temperature sensor
  6. Blinking LEDs
  7. Multiplexed 7 segment display
  8. LCD display
  9. RTC serial port
  10. Pot
  11. Buzzer
  12. Buttons

Required Tools:





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